Bit Summons

Feel free to peruse our list of Bit Summons on the menu here and see what they do on stream when we’re live!

11 bits - Snacks!

22 bits - Seal of Approval

25 bits - Perfect Shot!

33 bits - The Spanish Inquisition

44 bits - Pencil Pusher

45 bits - Help is on the way!

55 bits - Dag Gummit

66 bits - Order 66

75 bits - You Bastards!

77 bits - Hank Hill calls Couplecade a Loser

80 bits - Disgusting!

85 bits - I’m So Sorry

88 bits - The Fellowship of the Doggos

95 bits - Pan Shot!

99 bits - Beat the Devil out of it

101 bits - Patrick No!

111 bits - Lumberjack

155 bits - Bongo Doggo

Jump Scare Alerts: (Currently Disabled)

100 bits -
200 bits -
300 bits -
400 bits -